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Showing posts with label Soda. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Soda. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 01, 2012

Ramblin' Root Beer

When Ramblin' Root Beer came out, it was puzzling - did the world really need another root beer?

There was already Hire's, A&W, Mug, Dad's, Barq's, Shasta, Faygo, Nesbitt's and various store brand knock-offs. So what made Ramblin' any different?

Well,......nothing actually. I swear it was just Dad's root beer in a different can.

But sometimes, the selling point in mass produced soda isn't really the flavour, but the very perceived lifestyle of the consumers of this product. Ramblin's first TV commercials evoked an outdoorsy kind of feel with banjo music and a John Denver sound-alike singing the jingle. The later commercials were more mainstream....

Ramblin' was discontinued in the '90s when the Coca-Cola company, which made both Ramblin' and Dad's bought the Barq's root beer company.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Cragmont Soda

Available only at Safeway stores, this stuff was notoriously bland tasting.......