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Tuesday, February 12, 2013

"Live Is Life" Opus (1985)

Interesting tune from Opus. Austria is usually one of the last places on Earth you'd look for reggae. But this one hit wonder scored a massive new wave hit with this flytape catchy tune.

Instant '80s Pop Culture Fact: "Live Is Life" was the Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh's favourite song. It also came out at the height of his cult's popularity.

Imagine a bobblehead of this guy if you want a visual of how the Bhagwan danced.....

Monday, February 11, 2013

Abandoned Theaters

There's fewer sights sadder than an abandoned theater.

Buildings that were once the source of so much joy for so many people only to be forgotten to time and ignorance. And depending on building condition could be restored and used again to showcase so much new and exciting talent to new generations.

It's a shame what happens when we ignore and take for granted a beautiful old building....

And having help restore and worked in old theaters, I take these sights VERY personally.....


I'm getting too depressed looking at this stuff. So I guess I'll call it a night. See you tomorrow......

Sunday, February 10, 2013


Attention all units we have an all-points-bulletin for a crazed Scotsman in a 2009 TV commercial for Castrol motor oil who has assaulted several people with a large automobile oil dipstick. Subject is described as about 5'10"  Caucasian male in his late forties to mid fifties with red hair and beard, a red plaid flat cap and thick Scottish accent. He approaches at random, assaults victims and shouts "Think with your dipstick Jimmy!"

Citizens are advised not to publicly discuss their motor oil. On top of being dangerous, subject is considered a major pain in the ass and most likely is mentally ill......

Saturday, February 09, 2013

"Emma Peel" The Allies (1982)

Back in 1982, there was a Seattle rock group called The Allies. They weren't a grunge band by any means, as you can see here, but they were a kickass power pop band that seemed to have a lot of potential.

This song, "Emma Peel" (about the heroine spy in the British TV series The Avengers) became a REALLY popular song locally in the Seattle area, gaining lots of airplay on influential Seattle rock radio station KJET, who's airplay helped get them national exposure.) The video even made it on MTV in it's early years. It's still a catchy tune after all these years

('60s superbabe Diana Rigg as Emma Peel in The Avengers)

Friday, February 08, 2013

The Last Checker Cab

Would you believe Checker Motors were still making taxicabs with the same unchanged look from the '50s all the way up until 1982?