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Showing posts with label Alcoholic Beverages. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Alcoholic Beverages. Show all posts

Monday, May 27, 2013

The Utica Club


I'm back,

It's Memorial Day in America, the sacred time where Americans remember their fallen heroes by quaffing oceans of beer and eat tons of grilled food. And watch the Indy 500 on TV......

So for your drinking pleasure, I present you with The Utica Club Natural Carbonation Beer Drinking Song, a song best heard under the influence of several bubbly foamy alcoholic beverages. And this charming little 45 from '60s is presented to you on a scratch resistant Stereo MP3....perfect for tipsy music playing......

Utica Club was a beer they brewed in upstate New York. They still brew it (we all could go for a tasty round!)




Saturday, January 12, 2013

Things I Learned From Steely Dan Records

If you ever wanted to drink Kirschwasser from a shell ("Babylon Sisters") or wondered what a big black cow was ("Black Cow"). Or what was Donald Fagan doing "chasing the dragon" in "Time Out Of Mind"......

Here are the answers:


I love Steely Dan and have since I was a '70s kid. You gotta LOVE how SLICK these guys were with the various drug references. Unlike today's rap stars, they were ahead of their time by the sublimeness of their lyrics. They didn't put it in your face. They were so cool about it, even the most conservative adult contemporary stations let them slide.
